


Πρεσσοθεραπεία (Pressotherapy™) : είναι μια θεραπεία σώματος που χρησιμοποιείται συνήθως για τη μείωση ή την εξάλειψη της κυτταρίτιδας. Η κυτταρίτιδα αποτελείται από μικρές τσέπες του λίπους που βρίσκονται ακριβώς κάτω από την επιφάνεια του δέρματος που έχει ως αποτέλεσμα ελαφρά εξογκώματα ή εγκοπές στο δέρμα, ιδίως στα πόδια και τους γλουτούς στις γυναίκες. Η θεραπεία βασίζεται στην ιδέα ότι η βαθιά σωματική διέγερση μπορεί να είναι σε θέση να σπάσει την συσσώρευση λίπους στις τσέπες κάτω από το δέρμα και δίνουν στο δέρμα μια ομαλότερη εμφάνιση.

Η διαδικασία αρχίζει με τις ηλεκτρονικές περιχειρίδες που είναι συνδεδεμένες με έναν υπολογιστή, και στη συνέχεια τοποθετούνται με ασφάλεια γύρω από κάθε πόδι. Ένας εκπαιδευμένος τεχνικός στη συνέχεια ενεργοποιεί τις περιχειρίδες, οι οποίες γεμίζουν με αέρα και στέλνουν φως με πίεση πάνω σε κάθε πόδι. Η πίεση είναι σχεδιασμένη έτσι ώστε να προσομοιώνει ένα βαθύ μασάζ που χρησιμοποιεί αρκετή πίεση για να φθάσει κάτω από την επιφάνεια του δέρματος. Κάθε συνεδρία πρεσσοθεραπείας διαρκεί συνήθως περίπου 30 λεπτά και συνιστάται να επαναλαμβάνεται κάθε εβδομάδα για περίπου οκτώ εβδομάδες.

Πιστεύεται ότι η βαθιά πίεση του δέρματος και η διέγερση που προκαλεί η θεραπεία μπορεί να συμβάλει στην προώθηση της ορθής ροής του αίματος. Εάν το αίμα ρέει σωστά σε όλο το σώμα, πιστεύεται ότι μπορεί να αποτρέψει ενδεχομένως διόγκωση των εσωτερικών ιστών του σώματος εφόσο αυτά είναι εκτεθειμένα σε οξυγόνο όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερο. Η λήψη αρκετού ξυγόνου μπορεί να βοηθήσει στην αποκατάσταση των τυχόν τραυματισμένων ιστών και να κάνει το δέρμα να αισθανθεί σφιχτό και βοηθά στην πρόληψη του χαλαρού δέρματος.



                            Πρεσσοθεραπεία – Μπότες

                                 10 θεραπείες 200 ευρώ



Λεμφικό drainage και αντιμετώπιση κυτταρίτιδας , τοπικού πάχους  και αποσυμφόρησης  με τη μέθοδο της πρεσσοθεραπείας !

Με την  ειδική συσκευή αεροθαλάμων, από μαλακό και εύκαμπτο υλικό, και ανάλογα με το εξατομικευμένο πρόγραμμα του καθενός επιτυγχάνουμε την καταπολέμηση της κυτταρίτιδας, λεμφική παροχέτευση της κοιλιακής χώρας και των κάτω άκρων και αντιστρές  θεραπεία.


Δοκιμάστε τώρα τη μέθοδο της πρεσσοθεραπείας και αισθανθείτε τη διαφορά από την πρώτη κιόλας συνεδρία!



What is Pressotherapy?

Pressotherapy is a treatment with special pressure cuffs, designed to detoxify the body through effective lymphatic drainage.
The pressure cuffs look like very long boots that go all the way up to the groin. The boots are slipped on the legs and hooked up to a special computer controlled compression device which inflates the cuffs.
The cuffs have five pressure chambers that apply controlled external pressure. The pressure moves the venous and lymph flow, starting at the ankles and working its way up to the upper thighs.
On average one treatment last about 30 minutes. The experts recommend weekly treatments for at least 2 months, to achieve desirable results.
The benefits of Pressotherapy
  • Improves circulation and venous problems (ex. varicose and spider veins)
  • Reduces bloating and swelling
  • Improves skin oxygenation
  • Relaxes the legs
  • Improves skin tone and firmness
  • Shapes the legs and reduces cellulite

Contraindications of Pressotherapy

  • DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis)
  • Present infection of the leg
  • Cardiac (heart) disease
A consultation with your doctor is highly recommended prior to treatment, especially if you suffer from any medical conditions.

Healing Benefits:

The use of a sauna is very important for the detoxification and cleansing of your body. It can rid your body of many toxins through your sweat glands. Saunas have been around for thousands of years, and it has been a well known fact of its natural ability to cleanse and detoxify the human body. It was very important even during the time of the Romans. It will also improve your metabolism, and burn calories! Many people have also claimed it helps with dealing with stress, as it allows your body and muscles to fully relax. It also improves blood circulation, and gets your heart rate up, which is very healthy. A sauna can also have a huge benefit for your skin. A good sweat is excellent for healthy skin. Dermatologists understand the benefits of steam to create a beautiful, healthy glow. Serious sweating washes the skin better than soap and water since it unlocks the pores and lets deep-seated grime along with dead cells to be washed out naturally.

It can also help with sleep. Many people have reported that using a sauna prior to bedtime greatly improves their ability to reach a deep sleep. Stresses during the day build up in our bodies, and these stresses will build up over time and can induce stress linked illnesses such as high blood pressure and hypertension. These stresses are also a big cause for people getting little sleep.

This newly designed “Germanium Stone” Sauna Dome is especially fine tuned to create more “Far Infrared” or FIR heating wavelengths. This special type of heating is the most effective for the human body. There are hundreds if not thousands of benefits for Far Infrared Therapy, so we cannot cover all of them. However, they are generally used to elevate the body temperature, which breaks down cellulite and burns calories. It also rids toxins from the body through sweat pores. It helps with stress, many people report better sleep. Doctors will prescribe cancer patients to Infrared Saunas, to help stop or slow cancer growth. There are also studies that report Infrared Saunas help prevent cancer in the first place. (along with diet and exercise)

Helps with hundreds, if not thousands of problems, including:

  • Relief from headaches
  • Weight loss -      Burns over 600 calories in 15-30 minutes or less!
  • Increasing body metabolism
  • Elimination of toxins
  • Blood circulation
  • Pain management
  • Immune system deficiencies
  • Detoxification
  • Respiratory ailments
  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Can help improve sleep
  • Lower stress
  • Having an      overall healthier mind and body!
  • Hundreds of      other benefits in addition to the above. Doctors commonly prescribe      patients to Infrared Saunas for hundreds of different reasons.


Mysteries of Jade

Jade contains the minerals calcium and magnesium. Jade has the same wave length as the human GI wave and penetrates the human cell. When the jade is heated, it emits long wave far infrared rays that penetrate the body 14 ~ 15 cm ( 5.5 ~ 6 inches ). It makes resonance effects that can revive tissue, promote blood circulation and eliminate harmful waste toxin.





The semi-precious gemstone known as jade is actually two different mineral species with similar gross physical properties. Formed under the intense heat and pressure of regional metamorphism, they are fine grained aggregates of microscopic crystals arranged in a tough compact structure. The minerals differ in their internal crystal structure and chemical composition. Both occur in various shades of green often referred to as “apple”, “emerald”, “leek”, or “bluish-green”. Other colors also occur, ranging from nearly white to nearly black. Some specimens include veins and inclusions of other colors which may enhance aesthetic appeal. When sliced thinly enough they are translucent. Naturally or artificially polished specimens present a characteristic silky smooth surface.

TheVita-Mat Mattress is an electric heating mat that emits Far-Infrared Ray , Negative Ion, Magnetic Super Long Wave. Blood circulation improvement is effective through far-infrared ray hyper-thermia treatment. Automatic electric wave diminishing is utilized (EMF’s are the same as the earth’s emissions)and the emission of far-infrared ray reaches 93.5 % , plus materials in which negative ions are simultaneously emitted are all combined in the mat.

The 6 effect of far infrared ray It is called as Bring up rays, Natural rays, and Heating rays that one of the electromagnetic waves from solar rays. And far infrared ray is the longest and strongest gating wave. It is known that the proper wave to body and life is 7~14micron.

There are six effects promote metabolism by getting transmitting in depth and vibrating composing moles.


Heating  effect : It can   keep the proper body temperature.
Maturing  effect : It can   promote the growth.
Purifying  effect : it can   supply the nutrition equally inside the body.
Dry humidity  effect :   Promoting eliminates body waste, evacuation.
Counteraction  effect : It can   keep the proper moisture.
Resolving  effect : It can promote the metabolism and keep the balance of nutrition by resolving every kind of nutrition.


The kind of far infrared rays

Near Infrared ray

0.75~1.5 micron

Middle Infrared ray

1.5~5.6    micron

Far Infrared ray

5.6~1000 micron



Blood Circulation Infrared cameras are being used to show changes in blood flow circulation. The above thermal image shows an increase in temperature and blood flow in the muscles of the subjects back after message therapy. We use high-tech certified thermography camera to do our research and verify the human body blood flow hypothesis.

Blood Flow Vascular Scan Thermal medical imaging is a new and exciting infrared application. Promising research is being done in the fields of vascular, muscle and cancer detection. Thermography camera is being use to assist us in blood flow vascular medical scanning needs to achieve the desired results.





Far Infrared is vital to your circulatory system consists of your heart and blood vessels. Together, these provide a continuous flow of blood to your body, supplying the tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Arteries carry blood away from the heart; veins return blood to the heart. It promote blood stream & metabolism.


Far Infrared also,

-         Relieve nerve pain and muscle sore
-         Adjust autonomic nerve system
-         Strengthen breathing system
-         Deep penetrating action loosens and 
 soothes tired muscles
-         It stimulates the organs in the whole body 
 and keeps them in good condition
-         Stronger and more limber spine and joints
-         Firming and toning of thighs, hips, buttocks
-         Stronger immune system, fewer or no colds
-         Alleviation of many stress-related conditions

-         Improved function of the internal organs










The Effect of Charcoal

If you put the sack of charcoal in your room, you can protect your body from bad factors such as antiseptic effect, purifying, controlling humidity, production of Negative ion, blocking of harmful electromagnetic waves and radiation, the heating effect of infrared rays, removing bad smell and sweat. So you can have a good sleep because of these effects.



Yellow mud

It can resolve and purify inner body toxin because It has lots of good micro organism. It emit far infrared ray, which can absorb chronic fatigue primary factors, bad smell and bacteria. It can keep the proper body temperature and proper moisture.




Bio Ceramic Stone for Health

  • Bio ceramic elements can help the body by      increasing the circulation of blood and penetrate deep into the human body      to activate cells, promote good health and alleviate pain.
  • Bio-Ceramic Elements emit a high percent of      far-infrared rays from 6 to 14 microns which penetrate deep into the human      body.

Bio Ceramic Elements can have a good effect for blood circulation, fatigue, rheumatism, arthritis, metabolism, stress, weight loss, improving sleep, the autonomic nervous system, age spots and cell strengthening.


Germanium the Element

Germanium as an element was identified in 1886 by a German chemist Clemens Winkler. The existence of an element with Germanium’s atomic structure was actually predicted by the Russian chemist Mendeleev, who left a space in his periodic table for an element which he named ‘ekasilicon’. Winkler isolated this element during an analysis of the ore argyrodite, a silver mineral, from the Himmelsfurst mine, St. Michaelis near Freiburg in Saxony and named it Germanium after his homeland. Germanium belongs to family four of the periodic table, along with carbon, silicon, tin and lead, and is usually classified as a semi-metal, or said to have semiconductor properties. Germanium is not that rare in the universe, with estimates ranging from 10-55 parts per million (ppm) (92). On the earth’s crust its concentration is approximately 6 ppm therefore being





Therapeutic Effects of Far Infrared Therapy

Increases extensibility of collagen tissues

Tissues heated to 45 degrees Celsius and then stretched exhibit a non-elastic residual elongation of about 0.5 to 0.9 percent that persists after the stretch is removed. This effect does not occur in these same tissues when stretched at normal tissue temperatures. Therefore, 20 stretching sessions can produce a 10-18% increase in length of tissues heated and stretched. Such stretching at 45 degrees Celsius causes much less weakening in stretched tissues for a given elongation than a similar elongation produces at normal tissue temperatures.

Experiments have clearly shown that low-force stretching could produce significant residual elongation when heat is applied together with stretching or range-of-motion exercises, which is much safer than stretching tissues at normal tissue temperatures.



Decreases joint stiffness

There is a 20% decrease in rheumatoid finger joint stiffness at 45 degrees Celsius (112 degrees Fahrenheit) as compared to 33 degrees Celsius (92 degrees Fahrenheit), which correlates perfectly to both subjective and objective observation of stiffness. Speculation has it that any stiffened joint and thickened connective tissues may respond in a similar fashion.







Relieves muscle spasm

Muscle spasms have long been observed to be reduced through the use of heat, be they secondary to underlying skeletal, joint, or neuropathological conditions. This result is possibly produced by the combined effect of heat on both primary and secondary afferent nerves from spindle cells and from its effects on Golgi tendon organs. Results produced demonstrate their peak effect within the therapeutic temperature range obtainable with radiant heat.



Leads to pain relief

Pain may be relieved via the reduction of attendant or secondary spasms. Pain is also at times related to ischemia (lack of blood supply) due to tension or spasm that can be improved by the hyperemia that heat-induced vasodilatation produces, thus breaking the feedback loop in which the ischemia leads to further spasm and then more pain. Heat has been shown to reduce pain sensation by direct action on both free-nerve endings in tissues and on peripheral nerves. In one dental study, repeated heat applications led finally to abolishment of the whole nerve response responsible for pain arising from dental pulp. Heat may lead to both increased endorphin production and a shutting down of the so-called “spinal gate of Melzack and Wall”, each of which can reduce pain. Localized infrared therapy using lamps tuned to the 2-25 micron waveband is used for the treatment and relief of pain by over 40 reputable Chinese medical institutes.


Increases blood flow

Heating one area of the body produces reflex-modulated vasodilators in distant-body areas, even in the absence of a change in core body temperature. Heat one extremity and the contralateral extremity also dilates; heat a forearm and both lower extremities dilate; heat the front of the trunk and the hand dilates. Heating muscles produces an increased blood flow level similar to that seen during exercise. Temperature elevation also produces an increased blood flow and dilation directly in capillaries, arterioles, and venules, probably through direct action on their smooth muscles. The release of bradykinin, released as a consequence of sweat-gland activity, also produces increased blood flow and vasodilatation. Whole-body hyperthermia, with a consequent core temperature elevation, further induces vasodilatation via a hypothalamic-induced decrease in sympathetic tone on the arteriovenous anastomoses. Axonal reflexes that change vasomotor balance also produce vasodilatation.




Assists in resolution of inflammatory infiltrates, edema, and exudates

Increased peripheral circulation provides the transport needed to help evacuate edema, which can help inflammation, decrease pain, and help speed healing.



Introduced in cancer therapy

More recently, infrared heat has been used in cancer therapy. This is a new experimental procedure that shows great promise in some cases when used properly. American researchers favor careful monitoring of the tumor temperature; whereas, the successes reported inJapanmake no mention of such precaution.



Affects soft tissue injury

Infrared healing is now becoming a leading edge care for soft tissue injuries to promote both relief in chronic or intractable “permanent” cases, and accelerated healing in newer injuries.

Cardiovascular Conditioning and Weight Loss

Blood flow during whole-body hyperthermia is reported to rise from a normal five to seven quarts a minute to as many as 13 quarts a minute. Due to the deep penetration of infrared rays, there is a deep heating effect in the muscle tissue and internal organs. The body responds to this heat with a hypothalamic-induced increase in both heart volume and rate. Beneficial heart stress leads to a sought-after cardiovascular training and conditioning effect. In it’s Wellness Letter, October 1990, the University of California Berkeley reported, “the 1980′s was the decade of high-impact aerobics classes and high-mileage training. Yet there was something elitist about the way exercise was prescribed: only strenuous workouts would do, you had to raise your heart rate to between X and Y, and the only way to go was to “go for the burn.” Such strictures insured that most ‘real’ exercisers were relatively young and in good shape to begin with.


Many Americans got caught up in the fitness boom, but probably just as many fell by the wayside. As we’ve reported, recent research shows that you don’t have to run marathons to become fit – that burning just 1,000 calories a week…is enough. Anything goes, as long as it burns these calories.” Guyton’s Textbook of Medical Physiology reports that producing one gram of sweat requires 0.586 kcal. The JAMA citation above goes on to state “A moderately conditioned person can easily sweat off 500 grams on a F.I.R. mat, consuming nearly 300 kcal – the equivalent of running two to three miles. A heat-conditioned person can easily sweat off 600 to 800 kcal with no adverse effect. While the weight of water loss can be regained by rehydration, the calories consumed will not be.” Since an infrared mat helps generate two to three times the sweat produced in a conventional workout, the implications for increased caloric consumption are quite impressive. Assuming one lie on a F.I.R. mat for 30 minutes, some interesting comparisons can be drawn. Two of the highest calorie output exercises are rowing and running marathons. Peak output on a rowing machine or during a marathon burns about 600 calories in 30 minutes. An infrared mat may better this up to 250% by burning 900-2400 calories in the same period of time. It might in a single session simulate the consumption of energy equal to that expended in a six- to nine-mile run. Far Infrared Therapy can, therefore, play a pivotal role in both weight control and cardiovascular conditioning. It is valuable for those who do not or cannot exercise, but who want an effective weight control and fitness maintenance program.

Coronary Artery Disease, Arteriosclerosis,

and Hypertension

In 1989, German medical researchers reported that a single whole-body session of infrared-induced hyperthermia lasting over one hour had only beneficial effects on subjects with State I and II essential hypertension. Each subject experienced a rise in core body temperature to a maximum level of 35.5 degrees Celsius (100.5 Fahrenheit). All of the subjects in one experiment had significant decreases in arterial, venous, and mean blood pressure that lasted for at least 24 hours and linked, according to researchers, to a persistent peripheral dilation effect. An improvement in plasma viscosity was also noted. Another group of similar hypertensive patients was also studied under the same conditions of hyperthermia, with an eye toward more carefully evaluating the circulatory system effects induced by this type of whole body heating. During each infrared session, there was a significant decrease of blood pressure, cardiac ejection resistance, and total peripheral resistance in every subject. There was also a significant increase of the subjects’ heart rates, stroke volumes, cardiac outputs, and ejection fractions. The researchers cite these last three effects as evidence that the stimulation of the heart during infrared-induced hyperthermia is well compensated, while the prior list of effects show clear detail of the microcirculatory changes leading to the desired result of a lowering blood pressure.


Environmental Toxin Overload

Each day, we are exposed to numerous chemicals and toxins from the environment, which deposit in our tissues and cells. They come from the air around us, the water we use to drink and bathe, the food we eat, the soil in which our food is grown, and the household products we use. Toxic overload has been implicated in many health conditions, from Fibrocystic Breast Disease (FBD) in women to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children. Physical symptoms of overload include: fatigue, headache, joint or muscle pain, frequent colds and flus, allergies, hormonal imbalance, chemical sensitivity, sinus congestion, psoriasis and other skin conditions, loss of dexterity, insomnia, and more. Psychological symptoms include poor concentration, memory loss, mood changes, mental confusion, and changes in behavior.


Heavy metals impair the immune system and neurological function. Organic solvents and pesticides increase our risk of certain cancers. Carbon monoxide pollution is increasing with more vehicles on the road, affecting our nervous, immune, and respiratory systems. Numerous other chemicals have also been shown to injure our bodies, building up in our tissues and causing organ dysfunction. Treating the damage alone cannot stop the process; we must also address the cause, specifically this toxic residue in our tissues.

It is to this end that Far Infrared Therapy is effective. By its direct heating effects on the tissues, Far Infrared Therapy mobilizes toxins from fat cells and increases circulation, thus aiding in elimination of these toxins through perspiration. 30-50% of the population does not adequately or effectively mobilize and eliminate the toxins in their bodies that they are exposed to each day. Normal sweat is 97-99% water; sweat induced by Far Infrared Therapy is only 80-85% water. The rest is composed of environmental toxins that are being mobilized, some heavy metals, urea, cholesterol, and lactic acid. Removal of such toxic residues from the body provides increased and improved cellular function, thus enhancing overall health and well-being.



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